Thursday, February 26, 2009

In Case of a Zombie Apocalypse

Lately I've been pondering with what i would do if the zombie apocalypse were to happen. I know that Aaron would help me out if an infection were to break out. The real strength is in numbers when it comes to fighting off hordes of zombies. The first thing we would have to do is definatly leave Mankato as soon as possible. We would most likely head west and go through rural area and then heading as far up north as we can. This wont be an easy task though. Just getting through the city could take days based on how many infected people we have to face. Hopefully, we dont have this outbreak anytime soon, but we might as well prepare for it by making supplies, stocking up on food and organizing zombie fighting teams.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Apocalypse Now

The movie Apocalypse Now is a movie that i'd say changed my perspective of some things. A lot of interests and my projected major are in Psychology. This film definatly has a sort of psychological tone that has lots of hidden meanings. It's mostly interesting to me because it takes time to figure out the real meaning of the movie and understanding the psychology of the characters that are being played. This was the first movie i ever watched that got me interested in that sort of thing.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Waking up this morning

This morning when i got out of bed i noticed the floor looked a lot messier than from last night. I walked over to the light switch and ended up stepping on a dvd case. I then realized my whole entire rack of dvd came crashing down on the floor in the middle of the night. What i'm still trying to figure out is how the sound of 50 dvds falling at the same time didnt wake me up.